UChicago Tang Soo Do


Sa Bom Nim (Master) Joe Fitzgerald

Master Joe Fitzgerald

Master Fitzgerald began his martial arts training in 1988 at C.S. Kim Karate in Center Township, Pennsylvania, under the instruction of Grandmaster C.S. Kim and Master Marcus Murtaugh. After teaching Tang Soo Do at Penn State University and the University of Chicago, he opened Fitzgerald's Martial Arts in 1996, where he continues to teach classes to children, youth, and adults. Master Fitzgerald is still an active student, a fifth degree black belt, and a member of the International Tang Soo Do Federation's Technical Advisory Committee.

Master Fitzgerald has been featured in many news articles and martial arts publications, such as the Chicago Tribune, Tae Kwon Do Times, and Art of the Warrior magazine. He has appeared on NBC 5 News (Chicago), Maintain Your Brain, and national television commercials for On-Cor Foods and Budweiser.

Calvin Krogh

Calvin Krogh

Calvin Krogh has been studying Tang Soo Do under Master Joe Fitzgerald since the age of six and is currently a 3rd degree blackbelt. A Religious Studies major and recent graduate of the college, he hopes to become a veterinarian after returning to Japan to teach English. He enjoys baking, sparring, eating, board breaking, and other gerunds.

Lamar Meigs

Lamar Meigs

After first earning his black belt at a tender age, Lamar's training went on hiatus due to traveling abroad. Since then, he has had brief dalliances with other styles, including capoeira, shudokan karate, aikido, and various generic self-defense workshops (and parkour, but that's a different story). He joined UCTSD upon arriving in Chicago in 2006, and started teaching shortly thereafter.

Since, he has graduated from the University twice, attained the rank of Ee Dan (2nd degree black), and managed to train regularly in both Tang Soo Do and Eskrima. During the day, he pushes electrons around from his desk.

Suzanna Curtis

Suzanna Curtis

Suzanna Curtis has been part of the U of C Tang Soo Do club since its inception under Sa Bom Nim Amit, and after years of rigorous training under Sa Bom Nim Fitzgerald, she has earned her second degree black belt. At 19, Suzanna had few friends and no attention span, was unable to sit still, and understood nothing of balance, peace, or self-control. Eight years later, she is a competent and contributing member of society, and credits Tang Soo Do with her personal growth. And bad-assery. Ms. Curtis would not have come such a long way without UC-TSD, and is dedicated to helping future students have the same experience.

Ms. Curtis holds an A.B. in Classical Studies from the University of Chicago, and now studies Comparative Human Development and Psychology. She is currently working toward her official Tang Soo Do instructor certification. Ms. Curtis’s favorite food is Diet Coke, and one day she would like to open an adaptive do jang for people with different learning styles.